Saturday, February 25, 2006
No-Cases Day 2
Last night was stupendous. I didn't end up getting to the all-ages show, the venue is out in Sherwood and I didn't find a ride, which is too bad, but I did get a little work done instead so that's allright.
During the day Smothered in Hugs's song "Young Flare" came on my iTunes and stayed in my head all day, so it was lucky that I managed to catch them play that as their last song as I got to the show yesterday night. Damn, it's back.
Laura Peek and the Winning Hearts were up next, she plays the keyboard and has a bass player and drummer, the keyboard sounded excellent like a grand piano right in the room. And she's got a beautiful voice. Before she started she took out a huge bag of cinnamon hearts and gave them to the crowd to pass around, it was pretty funny.
The Danks played next and they were surprisingly good, they kept people on their feet and the place packed up as they were on. Apparently the place was at capacity and they had to stop letting people in for a while. Their second last song was a cover of "Where is My Mind?" by the Pixies which made me overjoyed. A lot of people are weenies about not liking bands playing cover songs but screw them, I love it when bands play the songs that they've listened to and loved for a long itme just like the rest of us. The Danks are one of the better island bands these days, I hope to hear more from them soon.
Next up was Tom Fun, I was at the back of the crowd talking to a friend and didn't want to elbow my way up to the front so I didn't get to see them, but they sounded really good. They had about 10 people on the stage playing different instruments and it all came together really well. I love when bands incorporate somehting new into their stage presence. They impressed a lot of people, hopefully they'll come back to Charlottetown some time.
Time basically flew last night, before I knew it it was 2AM and the last band, Gilbert Switzer, was settingup. I'v ewritten about them before and thye were as good as they ever were last night. The show wasn't as hilarious as the one at the Wave where we all got kicked out, including the band, but that one would have been hard to top. During their set a couple of them switched instruments which is always cool to see.
After that a few of us wandered over to the 72 hour jam and just watched the bands for a while. Not bad, not nearly as good as the no-cases but there were a few hilights like the Holidays and Chamberlane are allright. Tonight's lineup is going to be better I think, I'm going to make sure to get ther ein time to see Nikkie with her new band at 11:25.
Technorati Tags: No+Cases, ECMAs, Music, Charlottetown