Thursday, February 23, 2006

ECUA / No-Cases Start Tonight

For the most up-to-date schedule go to The hilights will be the Friday and Saturday shows at Hunters, and the all-ages shows going on at St. Pius X church hall (on St. Peters Rd next to the Irving and before the graveyard.)

Here's as good an explanation as any of what the No-Cases are all about, from the home page:
"1. The No-cases (or East Coast Unauthorized –> ECUAs) are showcases that happen every year during ECMA week (usually the last weekend) but are not affiliated with the East Coast Music Association. They’re put on by local independent promoters who would like to focus more on the music and less on the industry side of things. 2. They exist for bands who: didn’t get into a showcase, didn’t apply for a showcase, just plain don’t want to play in one of the ECMA showcases, don’t want to give money to or be associated with the ECMA, or don’t really fit into one of those neat genre categories so beloved by such awards–unless you all really want to be featured at the “Alternative Showcase.” Most importantly, they also exist for bands in the up-and-coming category. You might be totally sweet but not “established” enough to be acknowledged by the association. We dig that. They also exist for the party. "
I've said this a few times before but this is where the really interesting stuff happens. There's a whole musical ecosystem happening in Halifax that is going unrepresented in the mainstream ECMA shows, doubtless put on by people who aren't plugged into the ground-level of a musical community, and who want the ECMAs mainstream appeal to be safeguarded.

I'll also be wandering up to the 72-hour jam which is also chock full of interesting acts after midnight tonight. The 72-hour jam schedule is here: Link.

I'm not sure how much I'll be doing in the way of writing about the individual shows, but I'll keep it in mind to write things down as I think of them, just so I'll remember to post something coherent when I have the opportunity.
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By al - 8:55 a.m. |

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