Thursday, February 23, 2006

Nocase / 72 Hour Jam Schedule With My Hilights

OK, I'm going to handle hot coals yet again and link to cory and marsha's Nocases poster, but this time I've taken my virtual hilighter pen and marked the acts I especiallly want to see in Yellow. Nocases are going to be incredible all-around, though, and the energy of the place and the chance to see new bands are totally in addition to the ones I'm excited about beforehand.

Click for the full-size version. The unblemished original is of course at

I also did the same for the 72 Hour Jam, with checkmarks beside the bands that I am interested in, along with noting times listed as 'special guest', which means a band that has another showcase somewhere so they don't want you to know they're playing for free at the jam. (sshhhh...)

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By al - 9:28 a.m. |

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