Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Funny Politicians on Twitter Moment
This is a copy and paste from my twitter stream:
I'm just imagining Elizabeth watching the news, seeing Layton on there, and getting mad and going home. Sorry, that's what happens when you take a gamble and throw all your eggs into your own riding, people forget about you nationally. I mostly just posted this because of the funny synchronisity, though.
ElizabethMay is going home
jessamyn Richard Stallman's auto-reply mesage is totally strange. Why am I surprised?
ElizabethMay is watching the news.
jacklayton the interview with Peter Mansbridge on CBC TV
As for the two of them, I get the impression that Jack Layton seems to grasp the potential for Twitter in keeping people interested in his campaign, I wouldn't have known about him appearing on CBC without it, for example. On the other hand he has fallen off of using it just to twitter about random thoughts like regular people use and love Twitter for. If I get the impression that they're just getting some intern to post their updates I'm going to sour on a candidate pretty damn quick.
Elizabeth, on the other hand, just seems like she is using it because someone in her circle told her it's what the kids are into these days, but maybe just hasn't crossed that line you need to to really 'get' it. There is a bit of an art to being engaging with your little updates, to the point where I would want to still follow you even after an election.
Oh, I just discovered , I am in instant love. How do I get on this train?
By al -
11:46 p.m. |