Tuesday, August 01, 2006
From The "I Should Have Known Better" Dept.
I've written before how bad my luck is. Well, about a month ago my computer decided to delete my accounting spreadsheet and the program I use to synchronize my backup copies decided to follow suit. Having years of financial data disappear in a matter of minutes was pretty frustrating. It took me about a month to get my books back in order (actually finished balancing everything before the weekend). I got a bit lucky and found an older copy of my file on my mp3 player which was only about a month out of date and I quickly copied it to a secure location.
So, Jody got a new computer case and I was transferring the internals over the weekend. Now the case is one of those nice ones with a front audio panel and front USB ports. Not a big deal, except Jody lost the manual (or it was at my place, either way. . .) So, instead of just leaving the front ports disconnected until I found proper documentation, I decided to guess at the wiring and everyone knows how things turn out when that happens.
I fried my 1GB flash drive. As with any other time I lose a drive, it's not the cost of the drive that bothers me. It's what was on the drive that bothers me. My flash drive contained the only copy of my "new" accounting file (I disabled my file synchronization program until I figured out how to prevent the last incident) and a few other files I wanted to keep track of.
Lucky for me, regenerating the data was much easier this time around (I already had most of the missing data on hand). It's still a pain in the ass retyping all that information. Why I decided to guess at jumper positions, or use my "good" flash drive, or not backup the data first. . . .
Just to not be a prick, here's the comment minus the URL:
Samantha said...
Been there... done that... :) But good for you, you somehow to get everything done again.
Human spam?