Thursday, January 26, 2006

Memos: Haven't done this in a while

  • Going to see Mark Bragg tonight at Baba's. He's from Newfoundland and is one of the most original rock acts around. Should totally be on the order of fame of a Joel Plaskett or a Matt Mays. He's up for an EMCA for Alternative Recording of the Year, which looks like some damn tough competition with Buck 65 and Wintersleep among others.

  • I've been feeling a little restless here on PEI. But it's a nice little rut at the same time. There are some things that are making staying here a little painful, but the same things are probably testing my humanity more than I might feel comfortable with.

  • I still need a new pair of headphones. My iPod earbuds just don't cut it for proper music listening, and I'm scared about the stories I've read that they might damage your hearing. Not a risk I should be taking lightly. I should go check out not-Radio Shack. God it's creepy to have the single most stalwart fixture of every single shopping mall suddenly torn out and replaced with this unknown entity.

  • I'm reading various rumours around the Canadian press blogs to the effect that the National Post is on the brink of being put out of its misery. So much for ushering in a golden age of Canadian conservativism. I guess cutting staff and budget wasn't the best way to boost readership and revenue after all. The Post needs a proper US-style conservative sugar daddy like Sun Myung Moon or Richard Mellon "You fucking communist cunt" Scaife to pour tens of millions of dollars into a money-losing ideological rag to keep it afloat as a voice for cranky right-wing opinion and corporate propaganda. Thankfully most Canadian conservatives are still Canadians, and as much as they want to be Americans, they're still wimps compared to that.

  • Apparently this website is blocked in China. So, Memo to the Nation of China: Democracy is better killed in the dead of night than out in the open. Better to tell people they have it and that an external enemy is trying to take it away, then they won't know what to protest against.

  • I'm hosting trivia at the Churchill Arms again in 2 weeks. Hopefully it will be as much of a nerd-fest as last time. My MO seems to be that if your personality and interests are close to mine, you'll do well. I think a contest where the person who is most like me wins is an utterly brilliant idea.

By al - 9:11 a.m. |

I got a new pair of headphones late last year as my old ones broke (I guess I could have tried fixing them, but then it would have looked strange wearing them). I got a pair of Sony MDR-EX71's. They're the in-ear type so when I'm wearing them I can't hear people (or much else for that matter) aside from what the player is putting out. They sound awesome, frequency response is really good (don't remember the specs off the top of my head). Of course I paid close to $100 for them too. . .

What I like about them: really good sound, small, light, comfortable, short cord style with extention (a must for my minidisc player).

On the not so good front: co-workers can sneak up behind me... really easy. The cord is really thin with a thin plastic/rubber sheath and looks like it will break if I give it a good yank.

Oh, and this blog was censored in Korea when I was over there. Mind you there was something going on at that time. I think China just filters all external blogs out. You're not surprised are you?

Never really liked the National Post. I remember reading it at lunch time when I was working at Amirix (they had subscriptions to a bunch of papers). Didn't really like the writing (at least less than the other papers anyways).
I'd love to help work on some method of getting information across teh great firewall they have.. one that's end-to-end encrypted but doesn't raise suspicion simply by somsone using it... Peter might have some insights in that direction.
This /. article is a good followup to the china thing, talking about Google selling out to state-corporatism despite their "do no evil" slogan.
how did you find out you were censored in china?

if google falls to the side of evil... we may not have a hope anymore..
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