Tuesday, January 24, 2006

My Prediction

A whole lot less will change than most people think.

That is all.

By al - 11:31 a.m. |

Outcome was about what I expected. Sort of feel good about how it ended up. I was a bit worried that if the Conservatives and Bloc team up, they could push stuff through. Then I realized, I don't mind most of the Bloc's policies. Hoping the NDP can still influence things.
Duceppe said specifically that he'd pursue "progressive" policies. It's too bad the Bloc wasn't made to be so radioactive to the other parties, or a Liberal-NDP-Bloc coalition could have been a good one, social policy-wise.
I agree. I'm sure the Conservatives will be smart enough not to make radical changes at this time. If they govern carefully they could more easily take the majority of the seats in the next election; THEN they can start sending Canadians to fight in Iraq, build the missile defense shield, and all of the other scary nasty things that people are worried about now.
"Change." Snerk.
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