Monday, January 23, 2006
Liberal Tax Policy Creates More Conservatives
This was a post I made on a message board that I thought I'd repeat here. Quoted text is Taylor with my reply below. The subject was the fact that the poll on the front page showed overwhelming NDP and Liberal support.I would guess the Majority of PEILocals fall into the 'Liberal for now' where as younger more idealistic people we see the positives and more 'fair' side of things.
Or to be more blunt, everyone loves doing wonderful thigns with someone else's tax money. Cynicism aside, this is a very real problem, and income taxes really are fucking ridiculous. Especially when you compare them to dividend and capital gains taxes which are slowly disappearing (this is how wealthy people earn their money.) I'm not even getting into corporate taxes here, which is another mountain entirely. We're inadvertently creating more tax-resenting conservatives than we need to by putting the majority of the tax burden on the middle class.
But I would be willing to bet that the VAST majority of NDPers/Liberals on this board will definately move towards a more Central viewpoint. You'll have a family and stop carrying about the world and start focusing on Your world, ie kids, bills etc. So REALLY Liberal ideas seem too expensive or illogical. It's just what happens, people make conessions in their lives and accept a lot more middle of the road ideas because that is what is easiest.
So I bet while everyone is left now if you took that poll in ten Years there'd be a LOT less NDPer's and a bunch more Liberal in name only, Liberals
Or I could just be OVERLY cynical tonight
And Paul Martin is just as guilty of this as any large-C Conservative ever was. And frankly the NDP weren't making this an issue either. But there's a simple bell-curve-looking chart you could make to show average taxes paid per real amount of income earned that would be an instant election-winner. I think the NDP have been cowed out of it for fear of having the entirety of the business lobby focusing its guns on them and blowing them out of existance.
I should also add that Conservatives have no interest whasoever in altering this tax burden distribution. One look at the corporate tax cut-heavy budget that the Liberals and Conservatives had agreed on before the NDP stepped in will tell you that.
Technorati Tags: Canada, Politics, Elections, Taxation, Canada+2006, Economics