Thursday, July 28, 2005

Working at the Queen St. Commons - Day 1

I had my first full day of working at the Queen Street Commons today. (my partner in rhyme for the next while) managed to have a couple of productive sessions and coordinate what to do at each step. Right now we're just going through the steps to make our consulting gig legit in the eyes of the government and the tax people. (Evil!) (A good resource we've found for this is at We also had a really productive and inspiring meeting with a mutual friend who related some of her previous experience in the tech world to us and offered some help when we need it. The process of forming connections with people and helping each other out is really starting to appeal to me, I hope we continue to find opportunities to be on both the giving and receiving end of more such interaction in the near future.

That's yet another reason to get comfy with the people at the Commons, lots of brains and people who've made the decision that they like being around others and interacting with people not directly involved with your current task.

There's the key to the potential of the commons there, that those who are drawn to it are the ones who are looking to connect with other people and be part of something. Anyone can clear out a corner of their apartment to work out of, so the ones who are interested in the commons are looking for something else.
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By al - 8:51 p.m. |

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