Sunday, July 24, 2005

Sketch-22 are funny. Go watch them.

Update: My review of this year's show is here.

I got to see Sketch-22 do their newest show yesterday with j.pants, kgb and tracicle. Pants and I were sitting at the extreme left edge of the first row, which turned out to be a pretty good spot.

Well, all except for the part where a part of the building fell on my head. At the intermission I guess the guys were backstage playing around and a divider wall came down and clocked me right on the noggin. The groan I let out was loud enough that most of the audience got to see me looking bewildered while a big board was resting on my head.

The other perk of our seating position was an extended view of some of the best parts of Rob MacD. (If you've seen this year's show you'll know what I'm talking about.)

I don't want to talk about what the sketches were actually about since it would take away from the show itself, but I will say that the video work in the between sketch shorts was really well-done, the costumes were hilarious and just lo-fi enough to keep the cheesy factor, and they do a really good job of pushing the audience's buttons in that 'so awkward you have to laugh' way.

Also, one of the members is definitely a fan of The Office.

Here's a video from their media page:

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By al - 3:40 a.m. |

Thanks for the kind words. And for coming to the show.
Yeah, perhaps I need to rethink my blocking as it relates to site-lines when the crowds are so large and sitting in areas they usually don't sit in.
And, really, we're sorry about the building falling on you.
And I'm curious as to who/what you meant with the 'fan of The Office' comment? Most of us are huge fans of it, but I'm wondering what aspect of the show made you think that?
Black Man's Cock.

(boy I can't wait to see my google search referrals explode now.)
oh my dear. i watched some of the little vids. Joe Stamps was priceless, and i loved Island Eye! i have to go see this. i'm surprised i haven't already, considering the Guild is like...two steps away from my apartment. werd.
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