Friday, July 22, 2005

Trawling Ebay for Old-School Telephones

There are some pretty neat old phones out there. I especially like the round ones with the big fancy cradles for the receivers. I've always tried to buy items from sellers located in Canada, though, because of a bad experience with a seller who took my money and never shipped a digital camera I was bidding on. But because he was located in BC it was an easy thing to get on the phone to the local RCMP in his area and report the crime. The cops arrested him, and I got my money order back in the mail uncashed.

So anyway, if I can pick up a nice, solid old pohone for not too much money I'll be very happy. On the other hand, if any of you nice people have a working old phone in an attic somewhere that you'd not mind parting with that would be even better :)

By al - 4:16 p.m. |

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