Saturday, April 02, 2005
Watching the Sadness
I am sure all of you who read the news, have a TV, or an a radio have heard that the Pope Jean Paul health has deteriated to the point the Vatican acknowledge that he is curently in his last moments of life. Thought I am not a catholic, or even Christian am I am well aware how much of contributtion this pope has made in his 26 years.
In my mind the death of anyone is a sad moment for all who loved that person. In this morning I have heard the prayers, on TV, of several people who love this man. For those people who are losing their pope, I hope you can find peace in knowing he was a good man, and in the end he will be at peace. My condolences to those who love him, and wish of peace to you. Not being a Christian I know I will miss the presences of an icon who truly tried to help break down the religious barriers, a man who loved his followers and respected the religions of others. His life before becoming a pope was amazing...His life as the pope is well documented and really should not be forgotten.
By Sabrina -
10:02 a.m. |
And hopefully the next pope will be a little more modern in that area as well.