Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Use Your Own Language When Tagging (damnit)
This rant is aimed at people who don't speak English. (I am a fan of futility, it's true.) When you use Technorati Tags, what possible reason would someone have to tag a post using another language? This is what you currently see when loading posts tagged with 'music':
So you see that about half of the posts tagged with 'music' should actually have been tagged with '音乐' or '音楽' or 'Música', since I assume the people who would be interested in your post are the ones who could possibly read and understand it. Perhaps it's more a matter of Technorati implementing a language segregation mechanism that detects which language posts are written in and lets you pick which default language or languages you want to have displayed when you do a search. This problem is likely unique to English as, for example, a search for 'musique' returns only French rsesults.Music posts
Now, since it's impossible to get people to change their default behavior (peppering English words into internet communication is very pervasive), a technical solution is needed. Since Google can do it I see no reason why Technorati can't do the same.
Technorati Tags: Technorati, Tags, Blogging, Language, SamanticWeb
By al -
12:00 p.m. |