Monday, September 29, 2008

Code release: Evergreen Customizeable Bib Records

This won't mean much to most of the people who read this, but I just thought I'd point to a bit of code I've released as Free Software, it is a modification to the Evergreen library information system that UPEI runs. This code lets an Evergreen administrator easily customize what information about a book gets displayed when looking at an item in the catalog.

The project page is here: Link.

I really love the fact that I'm being paid to work on open source software as my day job. It's a feeling that your work is meaningful beyond making a client more money while toiling away in silence under an NDA.

I'm surprised how long it's taken for libraries to get onto the open source bandwagon, but UPEI is one of the ones at the very front of the pack, which is making it a very exciting place to work as a software developer.

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By al - 7:55 p.m. |

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