Sunday, August 19, 2007
A Lesson in Performance
So last night was the final night of the Island Stand-Up Showcase at the Arts Guild (no, I won't call it "the Guild", buzz off, Care.) I went by myself because I hadn't gone yet and I really did want to see how Taylor and Richard and Patrick and the rest were getting on with developing their acts. Labels: Reviews, Stand-Up Comedy
By al -
11:48 p.m. |
Just a wanted send out a special thanks for the review. It seemed fair to me and it is true, my set was shorter than normal and probably fits better in bar, but being the first up was also about building momentum for the show in general. Hopefully I was able to accomplish that. It was definately a new experience for me in that sense, but it was still a lot of fun to be apart of the group of comedians for these events. It has been quite the journey for me from agreeing to help Graham for a night to helping put on a successful comedy run at the guild. I look forward to having a small role in future events. See you at Baba's