Sunday, March 26, 2006
This stress thing sucks
Okay so I have been on vacation for 9 days now and I go back to work tomorrow. At work I was so stressed I actually got sick. No, not vomiting ill, but other things that tend to pop up when you have over worked. The first three days off I slept 12 hours each day, and then dropped back to a much more normal 8 hours. But for the time I have had off, I've been haunted by an upset stomach. I had managed to convince my self that my illness was something worse, even thought I have been to the doctor and he confirmed my suspicions and the antibiotics where started. So that is actually pretty much over.
But still the uneasy upset stomach haunted me and every night, I went for gravel to calm it and tried various tricks during the day to ease the pain. Today I know exactly what is wrong with me. STESS.
How, I have been planning my sisters baby shower. She made it more difficult than it needs to be by inviting men. I spent three days preparing games and stuff only to find out 4 more people where invited. AH HELL. So now the day of the shower I am driven crazy trying to get this house in order to let people in. I will say the roommates have been helpful by sleeping all day ( I know steve needs to work) and pretty much not doing anything around the house at all.
I've been busy wrapping and baking for days now and I wish 4 pm would come so this would be all over. The next time my sister has a baby shower, I would like her to through it herself. I am currently so stressed that people won't like the food, won't like the prizes, will think Me and my roommates are slobs ( which maybe true...But no one needs to know that).
By Sabrina -
11:16 a.m. |