Monday, March 06, 2006
Not taking care of me.
We all do things that are not good for us. We all get lazy, and I get the feeling that most of have a picture in our heads of what we should be doing to look after ourselves properly. Lets see if I can paint the picture in my head for you.
In my ideal me world, I get up early every morning for 1/2 hour of yoga and a great breakfast, including things like fruit and toast, maybe some egg whites. I take the time to clean and do my hair make up and nails. I have time to do a couple of the morning chores, including walking the most marvelous dog ever. Then hop off to work.
what my morning is usually like. I get up about 15 minutes after my alarm has gone off, simply cause I have slept until it went off and it scares me so bad I need my heart to calm down. This is new, for the longest time I would wake up 10 -15 minutes before it would go off and get up and deal with my day. Once I do get up, I turn on this computer and go make break fast, which is pretty close to what I have described about, this morning was a half bagel with strawberry cream cheese and some blue berries and strawberries on it. No yoga only me rushing around to get things done, lunch made, and I do try and get my hair brushed and make up on (not always, some times the hair gets pulled back into something resembling a lazy pony tale.) Then I speed off to work. Chores not done and definitely no nails done, not that it would mater work would destroy them. And there is no dog to walk :(
Now back to fantasy.
I picture my days at work, being fast pace, but cause I am so organize and can easily change pace and maintain such a superb healthy active life style there is no Chalenge. My lunches are made up veggies with some protein and my snacks are largely made up of fruit and whole grain stuff. ( I actually went through a phase of like 6 or 7 months of this and felt super awesome) In this fantasy I always finish work at 4 pm on the dot, so I can either got to the gym for 1.5 hours or go to swim practice where I couch 14 darling children.
reality sticks again.
My days are fast pace and often overwhelming. I maybe able to change my pace and direction at moments notice, but it definitely ruffles a few of my tail feathers, so to speak. Lunch, again normally not to far off, some times it doesn't work out that way but yeah. Snacks is a big failure, thought sometimes made of fruit often chocolate covered granola, or treats someone has brought in. Actually finishing at four instead of 4.15 would be so sweet, instead I finish anywhere from 4.15 to 5 pm, and this usually sets the pace for a crazy evening of rushing to where ever I got to get. And not all of my 14 kids are darlings, some are just devils in disguise.
In the dream world, most of my friends don't work nights, so I can kick off the shoes when I get back from the pool or the gym and enjoy a chat with them online or maybe visit for tea, or walks in the park. I have great supper ( imagine the best veggie dishes you can)and time to do everything I want to get done, the rest of the chores, some writing, some photographs, maybe even time to socialize and meet new people. All this puts together has me enjoying some great version of my life that I can't seem to find. Then I go to bed by like 9:30 so I can get up early and start the next great day of my life
in reality, when I get back from the pool or gym, it's dark, thought that is getting better, I am usually so hungry I eat the first thing I come across. To nights meal was particularly horrible, 3 cheese pasta, by no name...It was awful and I didn't get it down. No one is answering phones or MSN, so no walks in the park. Tonight I found little Erin, which was nice. I found myself channel surfing a bit. I understand really that TV is not my thing. I left it behind somewhere long ago. And meeting new people is a slow and not really enjoyable process, mostly cause people don't like it.
I get to bed around 11 and hence the reason I sleep until my alarm goes off.
Concluding my life, I need to get more joy out of it and get off my arse and start fixing the things I can. I should start with food and exercise, put my yoga back into my morning. Possibly drink more water and flush the horrible icks out of me. Leaving me wishing I could just cast a spell and fix it all. Maybe I'll go get some water when I am finished spell checking this thing.
Life is not perfect. Unexpected things will always happen. Isn't that the point of life? Don't get upset when things don't go your way, it's a waste of time and there's not enough time in the day for something that's not worth it. Embrace change. Plan ahead and set aside time in the day in case something does happen. If nothing happens, use the time on yourself.
I'm a very task oriented-type of person. I measure my day on what I want to accomplish and what I did accomplish. If I meet of exceed that, I'm happy with my day. There is only so much time in the day and setting realistic goals helps.
Wow, having working finish between 4:15 and 5:00 must be nice. I'll leave work any time between 4:45pm to 8:00pm.... That time I was at work until 7:30am the next day was quite the adventure too.