Monday, March 27, 2006

Baby Shower Secrets

Sabrina mentioned that her sister was having a baby shower today, which, since she has mostly male friends, I was invited to. Apparently there are a few common games that seem to be played at every baby shower. The most entertaining one involved examining the contents of "dirty" diapers that have had some food item smeared in them, usually chocolate bars, and guessing what it was. We sucked at this, despite my biting the bullet and sticking a finger in the brown gooey diaper contents and tasting it.

Other observations:
  • Women talk about sex. A lot. The men pretty much only talked about computer games.
  • When you have a pot-luck, everyone will bring enough food for about 5 people. This will lead to there being five times too much food.
  • One gift was this big, complicated music player / projection thing that was supposed to be a replacement for a mobile. I didn't ask "what's wrong with actual mobiles?" but I suspect it has to do with the fact that we're raising generations of TV zombies, and getting them an early start probably has some wisdom in it.
  • Sour cream is the miracle ingredient.
  • Another game involved drawing cards, where if your number is drawn you get to 'steal' a present from someone else. There are some interesting group psychology rules that come out very rapidly in this game, like an initial reluctance to steal from either the pregnant lady or her mom, which quickly subsides, to the increase in perceived desireability of a random item based on it changing hands more often and thus looking more valuable.
Also I just want to say that Sabrina did a heroic job of organizing everything and putting the games and presents together and of course preparing all the fantastic food. I had a fun time, thanks for inviting me, Kim, and I hope you have the best of fortunes with your little spawn. :)

By al - 2:56 a.m. |

sour cream IS the miracle of miracles for ingredients!
Women do talk about sex alot. I know when I get together with my friends every conversation we have somehow leads back to sex. I guess that could just be some women though.
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