Tuesday, February 14, 2006

11 Secret Messages to 11 Secret People Who Read This Blog

  1. Thanks for the v-day card, I'll tell you as soon as it comes in the mail.

  2. I'm glad you're coming out tonight, I've missed you.

  3. When you said you were happy that I was in your circle that made my whole night.

  4. I hope this post title was descriptive enough for you to click on it, you should come on messenger more often. I've been listening to Air after you recommended them and they're great.

  5. I just scored as Tweak and Stan was my #2. AAACK!

  6. I wish things could have worked out better. I blame a lack of communication on all our parts.

  7. Now that you're famous I think I'd like to come visit some time. I'll bring a movie and you bring the noodles.

  8. You know I've never actually gotten to see your little baby, I guess it's not really even a baby anymore, is it? You know, when I was growing up you were easily the coolest adult I knew. Hands down.

  9. I hate that I don't know what to say on the phone when you call. It makes me feel like I'm just not all that interesting because I have nothing big to say.

  10. Congratulations on your scholarship, I knew I was right when I said you were way ahead of the rest of your class. There's no way they could all be working as hard as you.

  11. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you don't actually mind being called by your real name.

By al - 5:02 p.m. |

God love ya.

The real #7
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