Tuesday, February 07, 2006
I'm Hosting Trivia @ Churchill Arms Again Tonight
That's right, kids, you get another chance to see me prove what a geek I can be and make fun of people and take their quarters when they get answers wrong, and dispense prizes like a merch-loaded Santa Claus.
I've got the questions all done up, and a couple of lists that have nothing to do with Billboard music charts. Hpoefully there'll be something everyone will know but nothing too obvious. Breaking ties can be kind of torturous and I don't think a dance-off as a tiebreaker would go over well with the participants.
To get a feel for the kinds of questions they have at this trivia you can look at my recaps at the trivia blog; especially the questions from the last time I was the host.
Come and bring a couple of friends and see how much you really know :)
By al -
11:34 a.m. |