Friday, February 10, 2006

The Cadre's “Bold” Move

I'm not referring to them publishing those stupid, racist cartoons that have bene all over European newspapers, but rather the headline they used:

Cadre Headline

Notice the scare quotes around the word "offensive". All high-mindedness about free speech aside, and there's plenty of that en an editorial later on, the quote marks are clear editorializing and, in my opinion, shoots down any position of neutrality they might claim about merely 'presenting' them.

Incidentally I cut out the actual cartoons when I made the above picture because I don't think someone's racist viewpoints deserve more light on them just because they served their intended purpose and are getting attention elsewhere.
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By al - 8:16 p.m. |

I guess if cartoons were published that were offensive to Christians, say for example Jesus giving head to the Pope, there would be outrage too. But the extreme rage wouldn't be there, since Christians aren't marginalized in the Arab world to that same degree that Muslims are in the Western world. Or are they? Maybe we just don't protest like we should in the west because we are tired from our 40 hour workweek and full of McDonalds hamburgers and watching TV.

Cartoons don't kill people, people kill people; and Mother Nature kills people.

Just exercising my free speech.

I am pretty happy with UPEI's big news year. Weale and that editor of the Cadre make UPEI seems like a real university, instead to the sleepy, politically dead high school I considered it to be. Can't wait for the next big scandal!
The analogue isn't with Christianity since it isn't as intertwined with our culture in the West as Islam is to Middle Eastern culture.

Westerners do riot, to be sure, but it's usually over race.
Ken-- scandal and controversy may keep you entertained, but I can assure you it doesn't do much for helping UPEI's reputation. A reputation is the only thing a university has. And scholarly debate and discussion is highly regarded- what you're missing is that these actions (Weale and Cadre) are idiotic things that people identify and recognize. Stupid moves make news. The cadre made national news because of bad taste, not brilliance. And let me assure you, it certainly wasn't brilliance.
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