Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Had a thought last night
Last night while I was trying to go to sleep the idea pop into my head.
What historical event would I change if I knew there would be no bad effects.
First I had a long thought about that. There are so many horrible things to happen in history.
War after war...battles, the hallicost, the halifax explosion, the shuttle explosion, 9-11, then I wondered if I could do something a bit different, could I stop a chain of events. Like the over fishing of our seas, the discovery of the A bomb, the extinction of several animals.
Trains of thoughts of this sort is why I should not be left to think on my own.
I still have no idea what event I would change. But my train of thought didn't end there. I did start to imagine the effects of changing these events. Most seemed good. But then I found a large number of problems with this manner of thinking.
Time loops thinking before bed is dangerous, if only for the brain. I only encopased the thought of direct effects, but the indirect effect could be far more dangerous.
Needless to say this train of thought caused me to miss several hours sleep.