Saturday, June 04, 2005

Half Dead on Day One in SF

Wow, way too tired. Woke up at 3:45 am Atlantic time and it's not around 11pm pacific time. Walked about 8 miles today, all the way up and down market street then along grant and through chinatown, up to the Castro and down to the wharf. My feet are killing me and I'm tired as hell and the photos aren't coming out of my camera. Will have to track down a flash reader.

I'll do the funny stories in point form:
  • There is definitely a cult of Apple users. The girl at the customs gate asked me what I was in the US for and when I told her "The World Wide Developer Conference for Apple Computer" she smiled and said "oh yeah? wow, well, I personally have a G4."
  • There were a couple of really nice girls we met in the hotel lobby who pointed us towards the Crepevine restaurant on Church St.. They were very wise.
  • Chinatown is HUGE. It just keeps going and going and going. You really got the impression that there was one price for white people and one price for chinese people, but I guess that's big cities for you. It's certainly what I've heard about actually being in Asia.
  • Kenny the Clown is the greatest ever, we talked to him for quite a while, he told us about some of the off-the-beaten-path places, and then juggled fire. It was how I think more conversations should end.
  • On our bus ride on the way back to the hotel the driver made an unexpected 'last stop, everyone off' stranding us and a couple of very pretty girls from Vermont. (when you're this far away that's close enough to maritimer for me.) They were headed to solsalido, though, which was a bit further away than where we needed to be.
  • When you're shopping don't trust anything anyone tells you about an item if it isn't labelled.
  • I've been told to look for a Levi's store here that has a special facility where they use lasers to scan your body to get your exact measurements and then construct the perfect pair of jeans for you. No luck so far, but I'm not leaving before I find it.
  • Lots of pictures tomorrow.

By al - 3:13 a.m. |

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