Friday, June 03, 2005

the day is too long

It has been one of the longest days I can remember and the fact that it is nice out doesn't help. I have been fluttering around work all day doing meanial task to keep myself somewhat busy. However short little two minute task have left me boared at 3:10. I should just wonder off. But I left early on Wednesday and plan on leaving early on Tueday of next week. So it probably won't look to good.
However neither does blogging.

This left for me to do before I leave.
Go back and look at my fume hood. Watch the stir bar stir in my reaction for several minutes. Fill a balloon with argon and put it on my reaction....It looks very festive. I should probably go to the bath room fill my water battle put my scisor and tape away. Make sure I have my cell phone and cameral in my purse before I leave. I might wash my bench and pile my paper in a neat pile on my desk. That should take me the next 10 minutes....urg....I will have to figure out things to do.

Hope everyone is having a joyful day.

By Sabrina - 3:16 p.m. |

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