Monday, May 02, 2005
First Day of biking season
With the jump in the price of gas this morning, I started my daily biking to work today. I got up and like it was habit. I got ready to go to work, by putting on my old red fuzzy pants. Hooked up my MP3 player and off I went. I found that the ride was pretty good right up until I got the Hill. Now to look at the Hill it is sort so it doesn't appear to bad. However everyone agrees that it is nasty cause it is so damn steep. I found my self strugging to get to the top, as one of my co-workers decided to pass me by. He made it look easier than I could. But I will say that listening to Smash as I travered the hill made it easier.
Hopefully tomorrow will be easier.
Side note.
Gas is getting too expensive.
By Sabrina -
10:04 a.m. |