Wednesday, April 20, 2005
New Word: Music Surfing
Music Surfing: v.: To listen to all of the 30-second samples from an album on the iTunes' Music Store Another great way to inflame my Nerd Attention Defficiency Disorder.
It's similar to the part in Microserfs where the housemates, who all work for Microsoft, don't have the time nor the attention to watch a movie the normal way, so they turn on the closed captions and watch it on fast-forward. Similarly you can get the gist of an album by hearing some key 30 second passage of each song.
The thing is, with an album like Weezer's blue album I have the thing pretty much memorized anyway, so all I need is the little cue and I'll have the song in my head completely anyway. So the result is the same.
Technorati Tags: Apple, iTunes, Music
By al -
10:18 a.m. |