Sunday, April 17, 2005
Laugh of the day
Decided to go to the Frosty treat in Kensington today. So I dragged my sister and her husband to K'town. I got my usual small Reeceās pieces flurry with chocolate ice cream and companions got their usuals too. Sitting on the wood step between the dairy bar and the gift shop we were enjoying our ice cream before we wondered over to see my aunt's. Then we heard it, loud and thumping and soooo familiar. If you live in Canada you have probably hear it...if you live in the Maritimes mostly like you would recognize it. If you are from PEI there is no escape (but that is okay).
Two young guys in a car supped up to look like a sports car, and lots of amp were flying down the road playing Stomping Tom, their windows down. I was in the middle of a bit of my flurry and almost lost the precious ice cream. There was a momentary stun before I could swallow and laugh. OH PEI I where I live and have roots you are my home and undeniably a strange little red island, with funny little inhabitants. They make me laugh and wonder. Why ask what is out there? When really we should ask what is right here?
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By Sabrina -
12:43 a.m. |