Tuesday, April 19, 2005
New PopeTM Better than ever
So Joseph Ratzinger, the guy who called immigration and liberalism the biggest threats to the Church, is the new pope. This should be a good shot in the arm for the (Episcopalian) Church.But let's cool it with the Nazi jokes. Just because the guy was forced into the Hitler Youth and then conscripted into the Wehrmacht does not make him a Nazi.
Think about how ridiculous the Nazi comparisons are.
Ratzinger served as JPII's right hand man and butt boy for 25 years. No real Nazi would serve under a Pole for that long. And no real Nazi would have let them have a Holocaust memorial in the Vatican.
That's just stupid and simple minded.
The Catholic church is way, way, way older than the Nazi party and has a far more sophisicated body of reactionary doctrine than some idiot racist party that lasted 15 years.
(photo found at Jesus' General.)
Update: More good old fashioned heresy over at the Fem-Tube.
Technorati Tags: Religion, Catholicism, Pope
To quote the French, ZUT ALORE!