Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Memos: Trying a New Title Edition
ATC is the provincial governments best attempt at technology development. They built a building.
A monument to technology: cold, expensive, and centrally located. They missed the fact that technology is hot, cheap and everywhere.
So, besides wasting a lot of money that could have went to say, a provincial fibre optic network, they now have to lure business to the ATC so they can appear successful.
I'd like to see some real success in technology happen in PEI, but damned if I know what that would take. I tried to make a living in PEI for three years which was frustrating. Now I'm back in the USA making a lot of money but missing home.
The ATC pissed me off since I was trying to make it in the tech industry alone, with no government help, while they were building upscale office space for the corporate welfare crowd. They probably spend more on Starbucks than I earned doing web pages, fixing PC's, and teaching technical workshops.
ATC is the best data structure ever! Now, how about an algorithym instead of government stubs.
How about this algorithym: a network of skilled professionals working adhoc on projects driven by a marketing & sales program funded by the province?