Friday, August 20, 2004
Holy F@#$
Today Al and I wonder down to City Cinama to watch fareinhite 9/11. As one might guess from this titlte I was blown away. My mind and thoughts have become a jumble of unbelievable chaos.
I reach into the depth of my mind to find a train of though I can stick with to explain how this documentory made me feel. I cannot give anyone a clear indication of what I am thinking about. I can say that this has made me think, even if the thoughts are nothing but a ramdom string of emotions and mental images. I found that the film brought to life a serious of my own belief about the american government, and gave me an overwhelming feeling of relief to be Canadian, and in the same thought a fear of being the neighbor to such a ruthless government, who would brain wash their own people. I am not foolish enough to say the canadian government has brain washed us as well....but perhaps they are a little more suttle in how they do it and choose their points a little more carefully. Perhaps they simply blunder less. In any case I would still perfer to live in a country where the Priminister questions the validity of going to war instead of pushing it on his/her people.
In the jumble of horrifying images that I watched on the screen today one full thought had occured to me. And though I did not hear it mentioned in the movie I have hear the words uttered before.
that state is simply "How can we find peace by provoking war- hand shakes are much better promotors of truce than bullets"
I don't know in all honesty what to say when it comes to matter which war we talk about. I see only death and distruction. The political advancement and money that may be made in war surely cannot be compared to the lives lost and the horrors inflicted on both sides of the battle. I fear only that world peace cannot be achieved until such time that money and politics have been tossed carelessly away by civilization and in the lack of such things we can learn to enjoy the presences of all nations and their cultures and become a world instead of seperate countries.
Perhaps I have tossed in a few emotions into my thoughts and perhaps many people disagree with the statements I have posted. But this is simply the opion of a girl from a small island that has not seen War on it for a long time and will hopefully remain a place of peace and Freedom where people can visit and feel safe.
By Sabrina -
10:16 p.m. |