Tuesday, July 08, 2003


My God, man! What have I done?! I've taken a poor, unassuming, innocent soul and corrupted him beyond measure. No longer will he "have a life". No longer will he "know what the sun is". No longer will he "know the warm loving caress of a woman's bosom". No wait. Scratch that. He's an engineer. He knows not of these things. They're like fairytales, myths, like the bogeyman or cookie monster. Maybe I haven't caused as much damage as I've feared.

Though with great power does indeed come great responsibilty. My friends, I have stared into the edge of the abyss. I have been there for the dizzying highs, the crushing lows. The marathons, the just need to finish this level, the obscene amount of bowel control, the lack of dietary fibre, the end boss, the fanfare, the sequels, the narcolepsy, the profanity, the boasting, the ego trips, the goddamn is it even possible to beat me at Street Fighter 2?, the I think you know damn well the answer is no, the yes I am better than you, really, the lowered GPA, the almost failing, the emphasis on the *almost* failing, the run on sentences, the lack of proper punctuation. Indeed. I have truly - seen it all.

But alas my poor misguided ingenue, he knows not what he is getting in to. His fledgling gamer soul is weak. He is not as strong in spirit as I. The day will come when I fear the "Mario within" will consume him. "He's more machine than man now", we'll say, as he's hooked up his life support to the Playstation for that one final chance at beating GT2.

No. I can't let that happen. I musn't let that happen. Gregory! Step back from the abyss! Step back you foul creature! Back I say! This young one is not for you. Take me! I'm old!...


This latest set of comics mirrors my point perfectly: clicky

And who the fuck are these people? Chicks that play viddyagames?! Has the whole world gone gay? And more importantly, Where can I find these wimmin?

By TVT - 7:18 p.m. |

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