Sunday, July 06, 2003

Something to think about:

Ancient hunter / gatherers lived to be about 38 years old; modern man lives an average of 75 years.

However, the hunter / gatherer lifestyle required only a couple of hours of real work in a given day, going out to either catch or dig up your food, or cook it on the fire. Given that, even with their short lifespans, they still had more free time than the average modern working person, who retires at 65 after working full-time all his life.

Plus, the free time that they do have was when they are young and physically fit and still able to enjoy life, rather than old and useless and in a nursing home.

Soo.. Are we really so smart?

I mention this because the guy who found the Coke bottle in the movie The Gods Must Be Crazy died just recently.

By al - 8:05 p.m. |

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