Wednesday, February 01, 2006
How many programming languages do I know?
I wonder how many computer languages I've actually learned over the years.. in approximate chronological order they'd be..
BASIC (Applesoft)
Turbo Pascal (!!! - I made a sweet Dr. Mario clone that ran in text mode and I turned into a BBS door game.)
Visual Basic
Modula-2 (if you've heard of this then you went to UNB and are older than me. They actually used it to run the system monitoring code at Point Lepreau. On OS/2 no less. I found this astonishing, but it was a damn solid language.)
Rexx (IBM scripting lanaguage that could basically control everything. I built an automatic network dialler aout of it.
COBOL (Just after I took this course it was dropped from the graduation requirements. Fuck. At least I'll never have to see it again if I'm lucky.)
Assembly (IBM Mainframe variety, and a bit of x86 but nothing useful.)
Bash / Unix shell scripting
Delphi (when I worked at DeltaWare. Using it again now.)
Javascript (Was able to hold out longer than I thought but eventually had to slum it and do some web work.)
Perl (oh the pain. Perl: devised as a language that could be written but not read.)
PowerBuilder (at Deltaware again, had to integrate some of the Delphi components I wrote into a powerbuilder app. head, meet wall.)
VHDL - for designing circuits. Ada-like in its anal-retentiveness.
HandelC - Also for circuit / FPGA design. Easy but hard to do anything non-trivial, sadly.)
Objective-C (for Mac OS X / Cocoa application programming. What I'd like to do more of as soon as I'm finished my current PC coding contract, which is soon)
TorqueScript (for building games using the Torque 3d engine.)
Python (very cool language for almost anything. Very underappreciated. Got to talk to its inventor when I was at WWDC.)
ColdFusion (workaday web server coding. I like that it looks like HTML.)
PHP (painful and awful web server language, makes me appreciate CF more and more.)
... wow.. I didn't realize it was that many. Yikes.
Started with BASIC on a COCO2.
Batch programming and Q-BASIC on MS-DOS and old 8088's.
Modula-2 (old CS introductory courses at UNB).
Visual Basic (was the defacto programming environment at NBPower when I was there)
FORTRAN (got lots of work experience with this stuff)
Assembler (a few varieties, x86, some Xylix chip, some old Motorolla chip...)
Java (I remember learning this just to do my Thesis project with. . . that was big risk for a 4 month project).
C# and .NET (last thing I was working on before I was ejected from CAE).
Pascal (still wondering why Newbridge used this over other languages).
Visual C++ and MFC (done lots of projects with this CRAP... I think it's the main reason why I hated Microsoft for so many years)
CSH and BASH script programming
Javascript (since you listed it).
I did some work with some propriety stuff on a flight simulator, custom GUI languages.
As for Pascal at Newbridge, I'm not too surprised, tye type-nazi aspect of Wirth languages actually make them pretty good for systems programming.
It's something I had never learned.... and now I find myself in Ivor Horton's Beginning Java 2.