Saturday, April 09, 2005
Memos: Four Records Long Edition
After the rest of them took off J. and I listened to the White Album all the way through and had a good old fashioned 'The Beatles are the most important cultural icons of the last century'-session. After that Will came over and we did more of the talking a lot about a whole lot of nothing thing. On another Pixies-related note, listening to Frank Black screaming with headphones may lead to mental instability. It's highly recommended.
Been on a Pixies obsession lately, ever since finding the purple album (a bunch of alternative versions of Pixies songs not released until about 10 years after the band broke up) at Radioland on Thursday. I like going on little walks in the afternoon during work, often just going over to a record store and looking at everything in the store in no particular order. Have found a few gems that way so far. Plus it's a nice break from staring at code or the usual office nonsense.