Monday, February 28, 2005
Sunday was the last day I stepped into my house. Last week was packing stuff up, a few friends were over on Saturday to load the truck, did a final check of the house Sunday and signed the papers later that day. For those that don't know, I sold the house and it closes this Thursday. Just a few minor details left, but essentially all my stuff is piled up at my sister's house and my next priority is finding another place to live.
Managed to rearrange my sister's basement Sunday night. Aside from the couch or the small stack of boxes in one corner, it's doesn't look like anything has changed down there. I did however fill a 24 foot truck on the way down, plus my mom's SUV. Years of experience packing stuff throughout my University career definitely helped. It's sort of like a playing a live-action combination of Tetris and Sokuban; fit everything together to take up the least amount of space while arranging everything so you can still move around and access whatever you need.
Leaving the Island is tough. Made a lot of friends while I was there. Still not sure if getting a place with my mom is a good idea, but saving money to pay off debts might be a higher priority. I'll see what happens.
By Ming -
12:51 p.m. |