Monday, September 27, 2004

Cooking for Engineers

Steve Gilliard linked to this blog from a post this weekend, and I've been going all through it and wanting to try a bunch of the recipes. The site is exactly as the title implies, with detailed directoins and an analytical approach to cooking, so one feels a little 'safer' trying out the various creations. Recipes that caught my attention were Sauteed Zucchini with Mushrooms, Corn Fritters and Garlic Roasted Potatoes. It also has very thorough background articles on things like maple syrup grades and freezing meats.

The author has a unique format for presenting recipes which makes CSS tables do things I'd never seen before, and makes a very concise summary of what to do in which order and which phases of the recipe require which ingredients. (though it doesn't quite look right in FireFox.. stupid microsoft proprietary standards..) I almost regret saying that an engineer presented information more helpfully, but there you go.

Link: Cooking for Engineers.

By al - 8:47 a.m. |

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