Wednesday, May 19, 2004
I hate my car. That's why I'll be autocrossing and rallycrossing this year.
Crap. Crap. Crap. I'm hooked. Damn you chibi-Greggu!
So I got schooled by everyone at the autocross today. Beaten by a PT Cruiser, I'll never live that one down. :0)
I enjoyed it quite a bit, not as fun as rallycross mind you, but sure beats videogames and daily drivin'.
6 runs. I started out with a 56 second run and improved with each run until I got a 46 second run. All this time worrying about going off course and hitting cones and I didn't hit anything once. That surprised me.
I'll be back for another try next week. So much for the new tires. Oh well...
Oh yeah. Vlad likes Subaru. Vlad is cool. Vlad will school you in an automatic Cavalier.
Now I must follow around Gregory and learn his ways, for he is sempai to my kohai. *bows*
By TVT -
11:44 p.m. |