Thursday, March 04, 2004

You have your views I have mine, obviously. I look at the bigger picture. Global population levels are not going to drop (barring a cataclysm). Hydro, solar, and wind energy is not sufficient for the rising global energy demand. Too many groups are against nuclear. The fossil fuel supply is finite. So we're in a bit of a bind aren't we?

Also, citing 2 examples of regional weather and assessing that that's what the global picture is like - I don't buy it. 1998 was the hottest global year on record. If we simplify it down to more C02 = more hot, then why isn't each year succesively hotter? Too may variables, not enough info, not enough scientific understanding.

Don't even get me started on cars.

The situation is grim. Follow through with Kyoto and you send yourself down the slippery slope of an energy crisis. Unless an alternative is found. We've all seen what happens to big cities when the power's out. I'd rather not see people freeze to death because they can't afford the heating bill due to the premium put on fossil fuels.

Also, why should we deny developing China from going through their industrial revolution? Who gives us the right?

Come to think of it, why do I even bother bringing this up? Assuming the Kyoto science isn't flawed. They don't have enough people signing on. Russia? Out. US? Out. Australia? Out. Pity Canada's dumb enough to sign.

By TVT - 9:50 p.m. |

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