Saturday, August 23, 2003
Better than F1
I'm tired, sunburnt, mosquito-bitten, and dirty as fuck. But goddamn was it all worth it. I have a sudden urge to drive really fast on loose gravel. Man the shit they pull off in a plain 'ol WRX is nothing short of amazing. Getting showered with dirt and getting hit by rocks from a car doing in excess of 150 on gravel. Too freakin cool. Not to mention putting oneself in harms way for the sake of spectating and snapping pics! I may or may not be on film on Breakfast Television, I'm guessing not and I have no idea when they're gonna air it but we'll see. Yes I shamelessy walked by the camera a few times. *sheepish grin* Look at me! I'm an attention whore!
I'm gonna continue the consumer fanboyishness. Sweet zombie jesus watching Subarus on TV and then seeing the real deal tear it up - I have nothing but respect for the company. I didn't get a ride in the rally wagon this year cause they ran into some technical difficulties. Namely the head gasket went kablooie. But maybe next year. Aw screw it, I should get a rental car and enter. :)