Tuesday, July 29, 2003

If I were Duc, I'd be on the Autobahn. Right. Now.

You can keep the crown Petah! ;) I'm no fan of I can't feel my ass syndrome, but I do loves me some driving. It's all about the tunes and the open road. As much as I love speed there's not much thrill once you get there, things just zip by faster. Assuming you have decent points of reference. I'm all about the twisties though. I did buy a Subaru for a reason. :) I should really start autocrossing. Then again it's summer and I'm praying for rain or snow to make the commute more 'interesting'.

Oh yeah, G. I took "the dip" at 145 klicks today. Fun is an understatement. One hand in the air. One hand on the wheel. I'm home free...

By TVT - 1:01 a.m. |

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