Sunday, July 27, 2003
On Dutch food: It's rather boring. Probably why you don't see much of it in restaurants :)
They make a lot of stews and use a lot of brussels sprouts. They also seem to be the originators of 'fish cakes'.
On the other hand, Dutch desserts are incredibly rich. Coffee Charlotte is one, very strong coffee-flavoured gelatin with nuts and (I think) kaluha or coffee liqueur..I think for the Dutch eating is that thing you have to do before you get to dessert. Which is fine with me.
I read last year that the Dutch are the most bilingual people in Eruope, with over 80% knowing more than one language, and a significant number of those knowing more than two. The English are the least bilingual, with only 20% speaking more than one language.
So one question remains, how's the local, erm, vegetation?