Monday, July 28, 2003
Go Go Speed Racer
Almost forgot to comment on the weekend fun. ^_^
For the record, me and Gregory have this mutual respect whereby I do not kill him while he is a passenger in my car, and he does not kill me while I am riding shotgun (with a shotgun).
For the benefit of legal types out there here is a list of things we did not do. Repeat. NOT do:
-Greg taking the sharp S turn at 80 klicks
-Tuan taking the sharp S turn at 90 klicks
-Greg doing 160-ish in a 60, and flaunting it like the ticket-free sunnavabitch he is :)
-Tuan doing 140-ish in a 60, keeping in mind he already has points deducted :)
-Greg taking the big roller coaster dip in the road really fast
-Tuan taking the dip in the road and braking so he doesn't smash the truck at the top of the hill, ABS is the cool
-Greg getting to 'cookerville in record time because he kept pace with a 'vette - at 180
G Dawg, I still had the need for speed after you left. I think I'm turning into Peter... I took one look at the fuel gauge and said "I need to fill 'er up... in Sackville". Why? Who knows, just felt like a good 'ol Sunday drive. :) Next, I think I'll go for ice cream... in Halifax.
I only hit 170 on the highway back, y'know, for the big grin effect. I'm gonna do 200 again, I mean I'm NOT going to do 200 again sometime soon. :) Can't wait to slap some Z rubber and 17's on my baby. Those asian fellas sure know how to build cars...
By TVT -
12:15 p.m. |