Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Damn. That sucks. I hope you get you purse back. I never trust strangers with my things. . . . hell I'm paranoid, I don't trust ANYONE with my things unless I know where they live and I can royally kick their ass if things go missing. . . .

I can't really offer anything Canadian at this point in time (being in Europe and all), however if you want, Belgium and Germany are near by :-) Belgium chocolates are always good. Can't really thing of anything German or Dutch . . . . Perhaps some dynamite if they don't get your purse back.

I think a few rounds of Castle would be good. Throwing stick people into the air and watching them splatter on the ground can be quite soothing.

Anyways, I have to get back to work. . . .
Ming *I should have hid in the simulator while writing this*

By Ming - 7:58 p.m. |

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