Friday, March 14, 2003

White devils? Did I totally miss a post somewhere? As far as the railroad thing, Canada saw fit to make a vignette about it. Which I find quite humourous cause it's not my peoples (well not directly aimed at my peoples). :) *in an asian tone* "dey say dere is one dead chinaman fo evewy miyoh of twack" Ya. Way to sucker China, Canada, good one. Least it wasn't a salt mine.

I would have to refer to it as THE Ming Dynasty. And yes it would be at the very least on par with cracks about pink Volvos. ;)
Ming (in full gold chain pimpage): "I gots an AC Body ya'll. Raprazent." *thumps chest*

Word to the wise: Daewoo is not dead. I repeat. Not dead.

By TVT - 9:15 a.m. |

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