Friday, March 14, 2003
The Blue Room
Depressing? How can you talk ill of your peoples Ming? They're your peeps. You are their "Mack Daddy", the messiah, the chosen one, he who will unite the factions, the dungeon mastah, - you get the idea. You can't let them down. You must free them from the shackles of the tyranny brought down by Wizards of the Coast. Roll that D6 Mingus! Play that Frost Wyvern card! Triumph over evil! Ok, I'm done now. :)
As for a winter beater, I suggest Canada Trader or Auto Trader. And the hell with it, since I'm totally biased, get yerself a used Subaru SVX or Legacy or you could get this. The AWD will do ya good and they can be had if you look around for 5K, the Subarus that is.
By TVT -
12:57 a.m. |