Sunday, June 11, 2006

The weekend

This was suppose to be it. Friday when I made my way to work I was in a great mood, as of 5:30 pm, I was free. I was suppose to be able to sleep in. I envisioned sleeping until 10 am ( late for me cause I get up at like 5 am most mornings). I picture Saturday as this wonderful day. I as going to get up late, then go to the farmers market, followed by the gym. Then I was finally going to get my house cleaned up and make all kind of treats. I had invited people over for the evening, for some fun. It was going to be a super great weekend.

For those who don't know my life. I rarely get to sleep past 6 am even on the days I don't work, because I also coach every Saturday at 7:30 am, and a lot of weekends are spent at swim meets, that often start at 7 or 8 in the morning. Which means I am busy, and rarely get the time to do all the weekend stuff like clean the house go out. But this weekend I did not have practice in the morning.

Then around 4:30 on Friday really too a big huge bit out of my plans. I was headed to practice and I got the call from my supervisor. I was going to need to work after I finished practice then I was going to be needed to work at 8 am. My heart sank. And then today I was told I have to work Sunday morning as well. Weekend shot all to hell.
So instead of sleeping in I was up at my regular time, trying to get my house in a reasonable order, cause I was not giving up on having some fun. I begged my sister to do a bit of laundry for me and that the deities out there she did it. I don't have to work naked this week. I worked the whole day until 5:20 pm, in a small room no windows and then I raced to the gym, then ate some crappy food that was quick to cover for no time to make a real meal. Then attempted to look put together when people showed up.
I had some fun when people did show up, but fortunately for me only a few showed up, cause the big crowd I was expecting may have been to much for me.
now in 8.5 hours I got to get up and deal with the world again.

By Sabrina - 1:17 a.m. |

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