Monday, June 06, 2005

WWDC Day One

Intel.. wow. So the rumours are true. And now Microsoft has switched to PowerPC for the XBox and Apple has switched to Intel for the Mac. Bizarro worled? oh yes.

Personally I never thought it was actually true, but my issue with it, that emulation of old software would be slow, was wiped out by the demonstartoin of something called 'Rosetta' that is not quite an emulator but a translator that transforms the PPC instructions into Intel ones. The performance was very very good. I'm sold.

Today is the first day of the conference without any specific sessions except for the keynote and a develoer tools talk, showing some of the neat things in Xcode 2.1.

I'm running low on battry power and I forgot my AC adapter in the hotel room so I'll finish this and get my pictures off later.

It seemed like most of the people in the crowd were a little sceptical of teh Intel switch until Steve Jobs revealed that the presentation machine was running on Intel. The crowd started cheering and they were sold immediately.

By al - 9:35 p.m. |

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