Now that America has sunk into a quasi-dictatorship, there's really no more need to be polite.
My dog won't move from her blanket today, I don't blame her considering how cold it is outside.
It's amazing how used to the hum of my laptop's fan I've gotten, given that I do pretty much everything on it, i.e., listen to music, watch movies, the occasional game, work, blogging, MSN.. It's actually kind of strange to sit and read a book without the probability of being inturrupted.
Further to that, I think that having high-speed Internet access must lead to some sort of artificially-induced ADD. Will go dig up some links for my column on the subject. (irony noted)
Stevo has an absolutely awesome rant about the US Election on his blog.
No more baseball, no hockey, no more American politics.. I need a new sport or I might end up fomenting a workers' revolution just for amusement.
If fellow Hallwegians (Hallwaygonians? Hallwites? Hallwaytoses?) want to add links to the sidebar please do so. Greg and Ming need to post more.
I've been on a serious fucking tear on MeFi lately. Some people play online gmaes to get out aggresson, I argue on the Internet.
How the hell can Charlottetown have two Taiwanese tea houses within a couple of blocks of each other but nowhere to sit and have coffee after 10:00pm?
Even my dog isn't looking longingly at her leash today, it's officially a lazy do-nothing day all-around.
Bought a bag of oatmeal cookies the other day, and I was horrified to find inside that every two cookies was wrapped in its own individual little plastic bag. Some iraqi had to die so I could have the plastic to keep my cookies fresh. Fuck me.
I agree. I would be really nice to have a coffee shop...which is not Tim's to have some sit and chat over a coffee, tea, stemer or what ever is your pleasure. urg....
# Posted by Sabrina : 8:04 p.m., November 07, 2004
Looks like someone is having a bad day huh? R u seriously at Charlottetown? Good to know! Maybe we should meet up one day..just a suggestion! Take care! have a good one!
# Posted by ChiaYee : 11:54 p.m., November 22, 2004