Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Shaun of the Dead

It's pretty obvious that every zombie movie made since the real Dawn of the Dead was basically a video game concept, lots of easily-killed enemies coming at you with no depth to them at all and no reason to watch more than one. What makes this film so much better is that the Zombies are sort of a plot twist in what started out as a totally different type of movie, sort of a British romantic comedy.

It does a great job of satirizing the genre, the characters thinking that the zombies are all just really drunk, and at the beginning of the film having the main character shuffle down the street, hungover, and looking a lot like the other dopey, slow-moving background characters.

One of the more ironic parts was actually the previews for other, more traditional 'horror' films like some new Chuckie movie that will inevitably suck, but seeing them still playing the horror genre straight when Shaun of the Dead is already out and actually giving us something new and interesting, is at least, a noble exercise of stupidity.

By al - 7:22 a.m. |

You got red on you.
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