Saturday, October 02, 2004

Why the media is like high school gossip

Out now are so many shows dedicated to watching the famous people of this land. Call it what you like, media, news, pavaratssi; they are all gossip columns. What has been accomplished by this type of hounding and eye oogling? Simply that we have replaced those popular kinds at school with famous people from movies, TV and music.
They entertain us with their art (even though some of it may not be considered art, however that is another blog). We repay these people by spending lot's of money on their merchandise and by paying attention to overemphasis they make. It is rather sad if you think about it.

The thing that sets me blazing lately is how much the media concentrates on weight. Every were you turn a magazine is telling you that this actor has gained weight, developed cellulite or that they have lost weight and become anarchic. So much effort has been puts into watching these people and remarking how bad they look now that they have gained 6 pounds that the average girl out there becomes depressed just seeing it.

How are we to compete. We have turned ourselves into the high school losers who want to be just like the popular kids except we can't. We can't afford the doctors, trainers and dietitians our idles can. We have let ourselves grow up into a vast world were the cool kids are those who have people looking after them, telling them what to eat, how to dress and the rest of us just can't compete.

I for one have become so fed up at hearing Jennifer Lopaz has a big Ass and Danny Devito doesn't have a good beach body. I would like to see on those magazines a change. Tell us something other than how fat, thin or beautiful they are and start telling us that they eat nothing but lettuce and carrots and how hard life is when you can't indulge in a chocolate Sunday when your depressed. I would like to see the focus taken off the negative and replaced with articulated columns on the persons art. Post the magazines carrying these columns on the grocery shelves and on the E talk daily type shows.

Let's get out of high school, disobey the norm and not worry what the cool kids are doing. I understand that this won't happen because too many people are obsessed with the famous but for once I would like to standing in line to pay for my groceries and see a magazine which is about the art instead of the smut.

By Sabrina - 2:34 p.m. |

I'll have to agree. Jennifer Lopez's Ass definitely needs to be capitalized.
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